Disable Controller inputs

In a script with keybindings, how do I disable the controller inputs so the keybind is only binded to a controller?

Check out the first argument of IS_CONTROL_PRESSED

what about it? I dont know what to do

Adding onto @TheIndra’s statement,
Go into your script. Look for the part in your script’s function that says “IsControlJustPressed” The first argument is 0, 1, or 2. Change that number to a different one and experiment. I don’t know which number is keyboard + mouse only but I do believe ‘1’ would support both controller and keyboard + mouse.

        if [insert function here] then
            if IsControlJustPressed(1, 315) --[[ change the 1 to 0, 1, 2 ]] then
                [Insert Reaction Here]

I know this is 2 years later but this statement would help others searching for the answer.

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Know this is a while later, but how would I disable it is the script used this to add the keybind: MenuKeybind = 170 thanks for any help!