Disable client sided ymaps?

I’m using RemoveIpl native for disabling all ymaps, to get rid of the city. I’m also using Natural vision evolved and I thought using the same process to get rid of it’s addon props such as the one on the picture would work just fine. But even after running the code again, midsession, client sided ymaps refuse to disappear. I used ymap names as they are in NVE’s SP version, as I presume they are identical (since NVE for FiveM is encrypted).

Would anyone advise on this? I love NVE, but this one thing keeps getting me wrinkles right now.

For those interested in those NVE ymap names, here’s the list I have so far


Doubtful, as for GROUP_MAP compatibility stuff would need prefixed map data names.

… huh? There’s no functionality handling ‘encrypted’ mods/ packages at all, so I’m not sure what you mean by ‘encrypted’ in this case.

Are they bundling a custom loader or something weird? :confused:

… would making a custom island hopper file and using that not be a better and more reliable option to disable all map datas except some?

I’ll stay honest, I have no clue what does that mean. But in my case, it doesn’t sound good.

Are they bundling a custom loader or something weird? :confused:

I double checked again, OpenIV refuses to open the files and CodeWalker don’t even recognize (see) them at all. Only SP version of it. I never did any kind of authentication as far as I’m aware of.

custom island hopper

Oops. Can’t see the forest for the trees. I always strived for having everything without island hopper native. Completely forgot about that one.