Development questions

Hi all.

I have a question to you all who work with modding.

Is there a way i can dynamically load client side scritps when testing things, ie through the console, can i dynamically stream them? I find it really irritating to have to restart the client over and over again for example when testing out position of gui etc, it makes development a pain in the ass sometimes. Any other tips you guys might have to make development smoother? Are there ways i can unload through the console, and load in?

Its not that i have a problem, but sometimes, you want to test things, and having to quit, start, load takes a lot of time if you do it when trying to perfect positions etc.


Use restart [resourcename] in the server console

@GBJoel Beat me to it! ha

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Amazing, thanks for that, you are a hero!

Is there any documentation where i can read more about things like this?

Thats server side right? And clientside ? Or will they be streamed if i do a restart [resource] thats streamed to the client?


jdc4992 Thanks, but i can not seem to find anything about the client side there. Is there such a thing even(?)


If you restart a resource any changes you have made server side or client side still take affect.

For client side functions,

Yes, but will they be streamed to the client, or will the client have to reconnect? What i want to do is save time and not to have the time spent reconnecting. Sorry if i did not make that clear :smile:


No you won’t have to reconnect, changes I’ve made to client files can be seen in game as soon as I’ve restarted the resource

Great, i will give it a try then.

Thanks for help!

Can confirm, it works fine, just what i wanted. Thanks jdc!