[DEV TOOL] [PAID] GFG Prop, Particle, & Explosion Menu [STANDALONE]

GFG PPE Menu (Simple)

:bookmark_tabs: About

This Tool is used to test and implement Props, Particle Effects, and Explosions into your scripts. It uses WarMenu to give you easy way to configure these native functions to your liking without the need to re-write your scripts over and over until its right.

:tv: Video Preview

PPE Menu Preview

:star: Features

  • Prop Placement Tool with capability to shift and rotate prop on X, Y, and Z axis.

  • Particle FX Tool with capability to shift and rotate position as well as scale.

  • Explosion Tool with capability to shift position.

  • Ability to pull the Coords and Code used to create the props, particlefx, and explosions to the F8 Console.

:floppy_disk: How to Install

  1. Place the gfg-ppemenu folder into your /resources folder

  2. Add ensure gfg-ppemenu to your server.cfg and restart the server.

  3. Edit the shared/Config.lua to change the command and keybind used to open the menu.

:shopping_cart: Purchase

This Tool can be purchased here.

Prop Placement Tool

Particle FX Tool

Explosion Tool


Code is accessible Only Config
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1,089
Requirements WarMenu
Support Yes



  • Added a count to the prop spawner model request, this way it wont crash if you spell the prop wrong.



  • Added menu keybinds to the config to allow users to alter the way they navigate the menu.



  • Added language locales.