GFG Ped Menu (Simple)

:bookmark_tabs: About

The GFG Ped Menu allows you to place multiple peds in the game world and fine tune the positioning and heading of those peds without having to re-write your script to get it perfect. It also allows you to task a scenario to the ped to create interesting and dynamic scenes. A table of the created peds can be sent to an “output” file of your choice that contains the ped model, coordinates, and the selected scenario, as well as sample code you can use to create those peds in your script.

:tv: Video Preview

Ped Menu Preview

:star: Features

  • Place any Ped loaded in the server into the world.

  • Adjust the X, Y, Z, and Heading of the ped position.

  • Add a Scenario to the Ped.

  • Give the ped a weapon.

  • Save your Ped and it’s attributes to a table.

  • Output the table of saved Peds and code used to create them to a file.

:floppy_disk: How to Install

  1. Place the gfg-pedmenu folder into your /resources folder.

  2. Add ensure gfg-pedmenu to your server.cfg and restart the server.

  3. Edit the shared/Config.lua to change the command and keybind used to open the menu as well as the output file path.

:shopping_cart: Purchase


Ped Menu Preview

Code is accessible Only Config
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 993
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

can you put in the ability to put weapons and hostile or not on them? I want to setup guards on cayo perico and in humane labs. And the ui would be amazing.

This is a great idea! we’ll consider adding this to the next version.
Thanks for the suggestion - GFG

dope release

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soon as this done let us know ill get it too

One the weapon thing is added ill get it too, i was looking for something to create peds with weaps for more rp



  • Added ability to give peds a weapon.

ill grab it now, thx buddy

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Very well!

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Can you make them hostile? Like hostile to all players by default. And can you have them respawn over time? I’d love to know!



  • Added language locales