(Dev/Template) Object Commands

So I didn’t see any object menus/scripts anywhere and decided to make one myself. This is a template for anyone that’s new to Lua scripting to easily create commands for props. I might update this later but for now I’m keeping it like it is. I haven’t tested it in-game as my server is currently bugged out by a script, but it should work just fine. Download instructions are in the download, and you can download it riiight… here!

Forgot to mention : I took snippets from [Release] [Updated 2/19/19] Object Spawner v3


This wont work at all, SpawnObject isnt even a valid native or even a function youve defined.

@sadboilogan apparently this is fixed. Can you check then list if it is, thanks. On my phone so I can’t.

Looks like it should work, listed it now :slight_smile:

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Thanks, i’m pretty new to lua and it’s a good feeling to accomplish something :smiley: (even though i used snippets of code lol)

Alright, after some (no) thought, I’ve decided to make this a menu.

Version 1.0 coming soon

On second thought, might come a bit later…

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