[ Dev Scripts ] Proxy and Tunnel

( Note: inspired from other frameworks )

These scripts are made purely for developers.

Proxy Script

This script can easily transfer packages of functions from a script to another.

Example of usage:

Tunnel Script

This script can easily transfer packages of functions by bypassing server-client barrier, just like an usual event.

Example of usage:

Warning: For adding an interface to the tunnel u need a tunnel.lua script, that will be loaded as the last one in the fxmanifest.lua. Available to the server-side too.


the vrp one also works very well which you have just blatantly stole the idea from

What is the point over just doing regular exports ?


Actually I was in need of these scripts.

I made them with the purpose of developing, also scripts are similar to vRP. I am using them in my own framework and I thought will be useful for someone else on this platform.

These scripts can be used for understanding easier the idea behind vRP proxies and tunnels.

Regular exports are used to replace the idea of “module” function from vRP, which is almost the same.

Mmh … I’m still not sure to understand the difference behind it but okay ^^

Just the fact that one is integrated in vRP and the other is not. As i said, the scripts are made for developers, maybe someone will be in need of them in the future, it’s a release and it has it’s practice.

What do you mean the other is not ? Exports are a base thing of FiveM not something you … add or integrate.
Yes i understand it’s for developers and i’m sure some will find it useful, i’m just trying to understand the use case

The libs from vRP are integrated in vRP and my script are not… That’s it…

Hey, u can explain better how i can install that in my script?