[Dev-Resource] Mythic Notifications

no sir

im having a vmenu based server, what type of notifications will i recieve?

Reading helps a lot.

bruh aight thanks lmao

how tf do i do that

Did you read the original post, at all? It gives you all the calls you need to show an alert.

It’s released as a dev-resource for a reason

ye but i dont get it, im new to deving

someone knows how to fix that? thx.

Hello everyone, I’m using mythic_notify with the x-Hotwire script ([Release][ESX][Disc] X-Hotwire, hotwire script with keys and NPC interactions) and have the latest version of both, so I have a similar problem to @Jayrrant I get the same message, after my hotwiring finished and when the engine should start. So I saw that in the latest update of mythic Notify all the DOHudText functions were removed but on top of that I also get the same error message for SendAlert even if this function still should be implemented… so I’m trying to figure this out but can’t get it to run properly and since I get no notification from mythic at all, maybe it is a problem with mythic itself? Can anyone help here?

Tell the authors to update their scripts

Yeah i posted it already a few days ago in his comments, hope he’s gonna react to it…

Could i have some help changing the notifications to mythic one, tried to do it like this:
TriggerClientEvent(‘mythic_notify:client:SendAlert’, xPlayer.source, { type = ‘success’, text = ‘You put your driving suit on’ })
TriggerClientEvent(‘mythic_notify:client:SendAlert’, xPlayer.source, { type = ‘inform’, text = ‘Your oxygen tank is full at 100%’ })
TriggerClientEvent(‘mythic_notify:client:SendAlert’, xPlayer.source, { type = ‘inform’, text = ‘Your oxygen tank is at 50%’ })
TriggerClientEvent(‘mythic_notify:client:SendAlert’, xPlayer.source, { type = ‘inform’, text = ‘Your oxygen tank is at 25%’ })
TriggerClientEvent(‘mythic_notify:client:SendAlert’, xPlayer.source, { type = ‘inform’, text = ‘Your oxygen tank is empty’ })

But doesn’t seems to work


                    ESX.ShowNotification(_U('dive_suit_on') .. '%.')
		ESX.ShowNotification(_U('oxygen_notify', '~y~', '50') .. '%.')
		ESX.ShowNotification(_U('oxygen_notify', '~o~', '25') .. '%.')
		ESX.ShowNotification(_U('oxygen_notify', '~r~', '0') .. '%.')
TriggerEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', { type = 'inform', text = 'You put your driving suit on' })

try like this.

can i know how to move the notification position? I am not able to move up and down. Here is my code
.notif-container {
width: 20%;
position: absolute;
right: 80%;
display: absolute;
flex-flow: row;
flex-wrap: wrap;

THanks a lot

how do i change the color of the notifications?

Depends, if you’re using client sided you’d change the value of
['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000'

in the following example, I have changed them values to get the black text and green background colour.

exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert('inform', 'Hype! Custom Styling!', 2500, { ['background-color'] = '#00e31e', ['color'] = '#000000' })

If you’re using server sided then you’d change the value of
['background-color'] = '#ffffff', ['color'] = '#000000'

in the following example, I have changed them values to get the black text and red background colour

TriggerClientEvent(‘mythic_notify:client:SendAlert’, source, { type = ‘inform’, text = ‘Hype! Custom Styling!’, length = 2500, style = { [‘background-color’] = ‘#e30000’, [‘color’] = ‘#000000’ } })


very simple lmao

It is, it’s just copy and pasting stuff and changing it.

TriggerClientEvent('esx:showAdvancedNotification', xPlayer.source, _U('bank'), _U('received_paycheck'), _U('received_help', salary), 'CHAR_BANK_MAZE', 9)

How would I get this to work with mythic notify?

Hello everyone, I made a short tutorial how to setup mythic_notify if you are having issues watch this video!!! If you have any further questions feel free to message me and I will help out as much I can!