[DEV RELEASE] 3 development resources (WILL MOST LIKELY NOT RUN)

If you are a server owner or FiveM player, then this is NOT for you.

If you are a script developer, continue reading

(not posted in #development:releases because it’s not really a release for server owners)

Probably for the past 7 months I’ve been researching a lot of different things. Frontend menus, a lot of different scaleforms, undocumented natives and a lot more. I’ve spread those things across 3 main repositories and always kept them private because I intended to make API’s for them at some point. However, I either got stuck with some of them or I never finished them for some other reason. So today I’m going to release all of them at once, granted some of the code may not work without modification.

There’s comments provided for most of the code, a decent developer should probably be able to figure out what I was testing.

The 3 resources include:

  • TestingThings
    A resource that contains all kinds of random snippets, combined code and a lot of useful code. All scattered throughout the project files. This one is the most messy one out of the 3.

  • MissionSelector
    This one is a WIP API that was supposed to allow other developers to create a simple grid selector / gamemode voting screen for their gamemodes. However, there are a few bugs and I gave up before it was ever finished. Most of this code is a refactored and cleaned up version of TestingThings, and only contains the code needed for the grid selector scaleform. All other unrelated code was removed.

  • fivem-frontend-api
    This is all for front-end menus in gta/fivem. It was, just like missionselector, supposed to be an API at some point. But I never finished it because of multiple bugs/challenges i wasn’t able to ever overcome. Most important code (frontend related) is all in FrontendMenu.cs. So start looking there if you want to learn about the frontend menus. Note, this one is complicated, and it took me many weeks to find all this. I probably won’t be able to help you with this one, as I still don’t understand most of it.

I’d like to thank @Jaymo for helping me out with some of the things listed above.

Important note: I probably won’t be able to help you with most of this. Simply because it’s a lot of broken/incomplete code, or because I’ve just barely figured things out myself, and only documented what I know so far. This is for advanced developers only. If you’re new to development, I will not help you.

Note the licenses on all of these resources: Feel free to use any of the code from these resources. Credits are not required but I would appreciate it if you could mention the source somewhere in your projects.

I’d like to see what you can create with all this, if you made something cool, be sure to share it below!


love this, keep up the great work! :heart:

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Great Job man :smiley: :mascot:

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Since I will not be participating in the gamemode contest, I’ll release my sumo gamemodes (v1 and v2, both playable but also broken at the same time, each having it’s own unique bugs) here as I will not be finishing them.

Sumo (v1)

Sumo (v2)

Note: they both require a modified version of spawnmanager.

Here’s a zip file containing that modified spawnmanager including the v1 built gamemode solution, and 8 maps ready to play including props and automatic map cycles and resets.

sumo-resources-files-v1.zip (227.4 KB)

Maps should work for both v2 and v1.

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