Desync upon joining the server

With occasional desync issues, I think it has something to do with these [1] [1] numbers. Whenever first [1] is different from the rest, player is unable to see me, but I can still see him.

So what it is about? And what can be done about it?

INFO: User [1] MoravianLion authenticated - [1] [1] MoravianLion@ player has spawned!
Connecting: ttv/lifedelicious
INFO: User [2] ttv/lifedelicious authenticated - [2] [2]
Connecting: PlayerNo3
INFO: User [3] PlayerNo3 authenticated - [1] [3]

Wrong thoughts entirely.

First ID is Mumble server session ID, second ID is player server ID to correlate.

These prints have nothing to do with game networking at all.

So, why Mumble sessions is different for some players after the spawn? Should be the same? And that’s also the moment when they can’t see/hear the rest of the players. I checked that few times already. I’m not saying that is the issue, I’m saying it correlates with the networking issue we are experiencing.

If a player doesn’t have voice enabled, for example.

Hey, im sorry I dont know how to use navigate this site or know how to message you specifically, but I wanted to follow up with the entitytoentity script that you tried to make, did you manage to get it working?