Deprecating CitizenMP.Server

So since this happened, I’ve been setting up an FXServer for the first time and already on a fresh setup followed by this tutorial I have an issue when I attempt to connect to my server, it shows “Couldn’t load resource sessionmanager. :(” but in the cmd it shows that it has been loaded and started. I am not too sure about this change, I just started a CitizenMP.Server a few weeks ago and it has been stable, I mean running for days and no connection issues. It seems that I am doing everything right since I’ve redone it over 3 times now and it keeps coming out with the same outcome.

Try run restart sessionmanager in console, hopefully this is fixed soon

My question about sessionmanager is why should that have to be done every time?? Does it make a difference with the old session manager cause i can get to work fine with FX

See the above commit

Before you wrote this I closed my server cmd, started it again and now it gets stuck on “Started resource sessionmanager” and whenever I connect to over IceCon and write restart sessionmanager nothing seems to happen.

I just said this? How you gonna delete my helpful post and answer the exact same way?

You gotta be kidding me, use your server IP lol!

I am running it locally, should work or or localhost, I’ve tried them all.

Edit: I’ve got it sort of working again… I had to delete my config.cfg and create a new one to fix my issue with it getting stuck on sessionmanager when starting the server.

Edit2: Ok, I was able to restart sessionmanager and get into my server but I hope this gets fixed soon because it’s already getting annoying. Thanks for the help guys.

Is there going to be a GUI, like or unlike for FX like there was for CitizenMP.Server? I’m unable to type commands via the CMD prompt, yes I know how to use Rcon but this would be useful.

It wasn’t about the content it was the attitude and please try to your responses to one post

Probably not, it’s much better if someone else writes external GUI.

Save your files without BOM, and why do you delete your post, it might be usefull for other…

I’ve managed to successfully transfer all my resources from my CitizenMP server to my FXServer but after what I would say about 3 minutes of play testing my game crashed with this error april-kentucky-don This never happens in my CitizenMP server and its been running for days with players constantly on it for hours.

Crash signature: FiveM.exe+523D6E
Report ID: 1524c025-9ce2-46a4-ba5d-ac01b5f9f0c0

The amount of people on this forum that can’t grasp the concept that FiveM is not a fully released mod, and is in fact in an alpha stage, disgusts me. These developers don’t get paid to make FiveM, they do it in their spare time and have to deal with the amount of shit some of you throw at them.

I don’t get why some people are getting annoyed with that fact that there is going to be a big change in the way servers are run, again, FiveM is not a finished product, it’s in development.


I am mostly annoyed because I consider CitizenMP to be some what stable but I’ve only used FXServer for less than 10 minutes so far and I’ve already been crashed out of my own server. It would probably be better to force it onto others when it’s stable enough? I don’t know if it’s because my server streams about 12 maps and 70 vehicles but I wouldn’t think so.

Reading all of these replies made me see that people are still having issues with older essentialmode versions as they just don’t know how to port them to the newer ones. I’d like to notify everyone that is having issues with es2 or 3 and want to poet to es4 for fxserver you can always contact me. I will help you with porting your older addons so they work. So I’ll say it one more time:

#If you need help to port to essentialmode 4 I WILL help.


Where do you see ‘beta-ish’ for FXServer? If you’d check, you’d see that nowhere the word ‘beta’ is used.

Then, why did you not report any of them?

weird, nobody actually reported any breaking issues so far. are you sure you’re not talking about some resource?


that isn’t related to FiveM, however. ‘essentialmode’ is a community resource that the community member who developed it has decided to give up on old versions of.

Thanks for substantiating your argument.

Wow, you wouldn’t say that with a new server codebase being developed, that you wouldn’t be forced to use it at some point in the future? Be lucky we even give advance notice, if it were SourceMod, you’d be given 0 days of notice by Valve updating the game.

Sure, we’ll remove the ‘Still TBD’, then. Thanks for pointing that out in such a friendly fashion.

It took various community members - even some lesser-skilled ones - less than a day to port to FXS. In addition, if you don’t have the time to add porting notes, it was expected that the more skilled community members would use this push to add things they ran into while porting their resources.

There’s 95%+ compatibility with the old server’s API, porting is usually only some minor things, and the client code doesn’t need changing at all.

That is not really ‘starting over’.

FiveM is not responsible for community resources.

Why are you using ‘60 resources’ that all have server code? Also, if you do, you should be well aware of how your resources work together, as you decided yourself to develop the server code like that.

You do not have to redo everything, however?

Thanks for the positivity in a thread that seems to be filled with the contrary. It’s much appreciated.

That’s not an issue with FiveM, but an issue with the author of ‘essentialmode’, who has no relation with the FiveM development team, nor does FiveM in any way recommend or point you to ‘essentialmode’.


If you could comment on what ‘disappoints’ you, it would be appreciated.

It is, other than this ‘Still TBD’ note that didn’t get removed.

The documentation on the wiki pretty much is all you need.

Nowhere was it said ‘4 weeks’, depending on the progress of migration across the ecosystem, this shutoff date could get deferred to a future date.

This needs some explicit highlighting. Nowhere was the FiveM code ready to be used by over 800 servers, and in no way at all was OneSync going to be implemented on the old server codebase.

Correct - fixing any bug or other design flaw in it often involved completely unrelated ancillary components breaking.

Fixing issues like ‘instancing’ or actually improving on other connectivity issues, for example, is next-to-impossible on the old codebase.

Please keep it friendly.

We all do this in our free time, you’re not paying in order to have access to this project, and again, ‘our team of devs’ (massive? not really) doesn’t have access to the server code that servers run, so we can’t even see what people run into when porting.

What are you talking about in this case?


Now which is more complete?

RAGE is the game engine GTA V runs on, when you have GTA V, you automatically have ‘RAGE’.

For porting single-player modifications, you should ask the author for the source code. Given how they do not provide source code, nobody can port it.

What restrictions are there? Given how the source code is available, in theory you could add all the old ‘creativity’ features you claim are missing back to FXS… however, instead, you complain on the forums rather than talking about that.

Do note the definition of ‘alpha/beta’ between an AAA game developer, and a community-based reverse engineering project developed in spare time is highly different.

They had multiple full-time developers working on the project, oh yeah and also full source code, unlike in this case with GTA V where the source code isn’t available and we have to research the game code all by ourselves.

Indeed - the first mentions of FXS were in earlier announcements such as ‘State of the Snail’, and any server owner that ‘relies’ on a platform should be keeping up-to-date with at least the set of announcements made on that platform.

‘better textures and cars’? What is implied by this? Nothing was preventing you from loading ‘good cars’.
‘Desync’ should be improved i.e. occur less, and future changes improving this more are impossible to make on the legacy server.


Did you not read the multiple forum posts about that being a completely stupid idea that’ll only lead to crashes exactly due to the way how GTA V works that can’t be fixed?

‘rip source code’? Also, given your claim that you can, please display how so it can, you know, be fixed?

If the community doesn’t communicate their concerns to us, or report things that are broken, we of course can’t fix anything.

Ah. :slight_smile:

32 players already worked on the old server, but at a high risk of ‘instancing’.

Why have you not reported this to the project development team? Instead of ‘lol I’ll show you’, give us the code/binaries of said ‘lua file stealer’. :confused:

That won’t be supported unless you get the developers of RPH, LSPDFR and EUP to release their source code. We can’t poke around blindly on some community modifications.

It should already be fixed if you get the latest download, also if you don’t delete the cache every time you change something (which shouldn’t be needed anymore!) you don’t have to restart it every single time? :confused:

This is a planned future improvement, yes.

Didn’t the client already need this?

Odd - this is in GTA V code that shouldn’t be affected by the server type used.

Probably you were just unlucky and some of your mods caused a crash?

Did you do full quality control checks on all maps/vehicles? We’ve seen a lot of issues caused by bad vehicle/map models.


I’ve done a full check and you might be right, I might have just been unlucky. I did have a lot of softwares open and perhaps could have caused it to crash some how. Currently on the FXServer for about 40 minutes now and I haven’t crashed yet and all my resources seem to be working as they should.

Edit: I test any new vehicles I add or maps I add on a fresh server for about an hour before adding it with the rest, I sure hope that’s enough.

Is it just my server or does the game crash whenever you kill someone?

I’ve never experienced this myself but I’ve seen plenty of threads or posts about it so I would assume you aren’t alone.

I just want to say thank you to the development team, you guys are really doing a great job. The decision to deprecate CitizenMP.Server is something that the community I’m a member of fully stands behind. Not only that, the fact that everything is open source is really great, it makes everything really transparent and allows developers like myself to understand how FiveM works. I am still amazed as to what you guys have been able to achieve with FiveM, it’s absolutely incredible and I can only see it getting better.

This is a great step forward and I hope that in the future others will show more gratitude towards the developers of FiveM, community developers and resource developers. The amount of the time the developers spend coding is time that they could be spending on something else, a little gratitude and respect goes a long way.