[depracated] [esx] [free] mono garage

I’m working on an update for the garage, it won’t take long to publish it, it will bring many improvements and new things.

does the lockpick mechanic not work or is it just me? im using ox invent esx legacy 1.10 and have all the items in the item db for ox invent

would it be possible for you to make it more advanced so the garage the player park his vehicle is also the garage he need to use to retrieve it again


If you find anything that is not translated, please let me know!

The Documentation is updated according to the new additions and is explained in detail, the Custom menu is not finished so I do not recommend using it.
First of all, I recommend reading the Documentation for those who want to use the EXPORTS or configure the vehicles for work.

Most of the updating is done by @.rawpaper , since I have been absent for quite some time.


  • (New) Compatible with the Quasar inventory…
  • (New) Garages for jobs with configurable vehicles by ranks.
  • (New) Now you can use PolyZone only for garages, not impounds.
  • (New) One name for the blips. Config/config_garage.lua - Garage.BlipsName
  • (New) TextUI added, you can customize it in client/functions.lua. (default ox_textui)
  • (New) 2 Commands to test the EXPORTS and see how it works in client/Default.lua (Default disabled)
  • (New) Command /spawncar [ID] [MODEL] [TIME (1 = 1 min)] generates a vehicle with a time of use. ( /spawncar 1 sultan 10 )
  • (New) Sell or Transfer the ownership of a vehicle to another player + WebHook to record transfers in server/functions_s.lua .
  • (New) Compatible with ox_fuel / LegacyFuel / esx-sna-fuel
  • (New) ProgressBar when closing/opening vehicles Config/config_carkeys.lua - Keys.Progress
  • (New) Delay between closing/opening vehicles to avoid massive spawns of notifications or progress bar.
  • (New) Now you can add a price for transferring vehicles between garages, each garage has its price, if no price is assigned in the configuration of a garage, the transfer between garages will be free. (All current garages of type = ‘car’ have a price of $20).
  • (New) EXTRAS Menu with custom job vehicles, (Target)


  • (Update) The EXPORT OpenGarage(), now allows you to easily create garages with custom vehicles to integrate them into your code without having to configure them in the garage resource.
  • (Update) Command /givecar [ID] [MODEL] [GARAGE (Optional)] now spawns the vehicle and adds it to the player’s database.
  • (Update) Server/client event to deposit modified vehicles.
  • (Update) Sound when closing/opening vehicles. Seen in the #snippets of the channel.
  • (Update) Persistent vehicles, now it is more efficient, it also works with shared vehicles if a friend takes one of your vehicles and disconnects and you are not connected, the vehicle will be saved in the database for when your friend or you connect again.
  • (Update) Now if you have the ‘plate’ item or the configured one, a Target option will appear throughout the entity.
  • (Update) When removing a vehicle from the garage, it will spawn in the nearest spawn zone to the player.
  • (Update) The command /givekey was rewritten.
  • (Update) New lines in the translations after 1.9.0
  • (Fix) Verification if 2 license plates are the same.
  • (Fix) If fuelLevel is NIL when opening the garage menu, it will become a random value between 20 and 100 to avoid problems.
  • (Remove) Command /delkey



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1- /givecar [ID] [MODEL] [GARAGE (Optional)]
this error appears when not putting the garage, since it would be optional but it comes out error when leaving only the command

/givecar [ID] [MODEL]

2 - when using the TriggerServerEvent create key does not work because the event does not exist.

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Hi, found a bug with persistent vehicles:
When i relog, i find the vehicle, but when i try to go straight on, the vehicle is stuck at 0 km/h, like it is frozen. I have to enter in noclip while in the vehicle and exit to un-freeze it

Bájate la ultima versión melón.

-- 'add' or 'remove'
-- Server
exports['mono_garage']:ServerInventoryKeys({player = source, plate = plate}, 'add')
-- Client 
exports['mono_garage']:ClientInventoryKeys(plate, 'add')
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Download the latest version, fix bugs

after update i got this prolem

Hello brother, can I change the vehicle hash value displayed in the garage to recognize the vehicle_ Names created themselves? Instead of reading the hash name of the vehicle, I believe that would be better. Can you help me? If possible, I will give you a certain amount of money

Would it be possible that your garage script could support qs-housing from quasar?

Yes, it is compatible with any house code on the market.

is there a chance you could bring back ox_lib radial menu and make so i can use the same name for garages so i could have garages named Los Santos, Sandy Shores and Paleto Bay

Read Config.lua, radial is no longer available.

I cant get sna-fuel to work it dont say fuel on garage apears 50% all the time

Hey did u find a fix for this?

NEW Garage here !