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NightDream Work In Progress HUD System!

This Hud is still in Development, after the full release i will be changing the price!



The HUD has some good stuff in it!
-Voice hud / Radio HUD (pma-voice only for now!)
-Stress system based off qb-hud! (QB only)

The script is having low MS!
The ms is 0.01 or 0.02! (This can be diffrente if you have a low-end pc)

The config is pretty great we are supporting:
-QB notify function

Later we will support:
-ox_lib: notify
-Settings menu via ox_lib menu

The price is 10.16€ but we only getting 8€ bcuz 2.16€ goes to tebex!

The development of the HUD is active every day of the week!

If you have any suggestions be sure to send it to our discord server!


The config:

Are you going to release the Source code version tebex?
-Yes and no! We are developing some kind of code wich can check if you bought it or not!
We are not sure yet!

Are you going to make custom framework compatible?
-We are but we need to develop it first and then we are gonna roll out our custom frame work support!

Are you going to make design chnges?
-No, we want the Circuit Inspired hud to be inspired but the css is free to change we are not encrypting any JS or css file!

If i want to have a custom progress bar can i make it for this hud?
-No, Bcuz we need to open up the client side, wich we do not want to!
But if we can make it happen with exports than yes!

Script is encrypted via Escrow for more information about escrow click here
Check out our tebex to buy this script!

An update will be uploaded to keymaster for standalone support!
We will allow exports to be integrated to our script so you can make it compatible to your framework!

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 903
Requirements pma,ox_Lib,esx or qb
Support Yes
1 Like

Last update:
0.2.4 Patch 4

-Better stress system
-Added harness notify when in vehicle! (QB only! For esx use third party script!)
-no voice connnected warning is tuning on when in config is off! (FIXED!)
-Some performance imporvements in stress effect system!

Left over prints in console are for support!

Update is in Keymaster!

Latest update: 0.2.5 Patch 0

-Added config for remove money and get money notify!
-Added Notify if you get money on bank or cash! (Check config)

Update is on keymaster!

Latest update: 0.2.5 Patch 0
Fixed some typos!
ESx support is lacking update at 0.2.6 will be creating a seperate script just for esx!

Changes have been made!
-Stamina vehicle glitch fix
-New commands: /bank /cash

  • Better pma-voice support!
  • Removed ESX support! (made a seperate script in the shop so you can buy it!)
  • Fixed thirst and hunger bar going out of the box! (locked to 100% both!)
  • Some Performance issues fixed!

You can buy it as OPEN SOURCE!
Click to see the open source shop


-Made some changes to the UI! (Little fixes here and there!)
-Made the qb-multicharacter being used so the hud dose not turn on automaticly!
-Some optimasition on client side!

Files have been edited: Config.lua (Added new option for radio animation!) cl_main.lua UI/every file in this Update available on KeyMaster!