Delay in movement when aiming in with a gun

I’m not sure if it’s just me but when I ADS with a gun hold shift and strafe there is crazy delay I click A and the movement happens 1-2 seconds later, if there is a fix to this please let me know I am new to fivem and not sure if it is a setting or what.

Most certainly not a common thing. Did you try on any other servers to see if you experience the same issue? The FiveM Test server is a good way to check.

Yea, I’ve tried multiple servers every single one I have insane movement delay, along with that, in Kingsmen RP when I aim in sometimes it makes me aim in for about 2 seconds even though I just tap my right click, it’s really frustrating in gun fights.

It’s rare somebody actually replies several months after, unique event here :laughing:
That said, this can be caused by two things on your end - either a hardware thing (your PC components are too used and can’t keep up), which is less likely, or a connection issue causing delay. Open up your F8 and in there, select all of the options to monitor how used your hardware is in-game as well as the NetGraph, and see if you can see any discrepancies, such as something being used at 100%, or a particularly large amount of packet loss in the net stats.

My CPU is usually around 60-100%, GPU 20-50%, and PL is usually 3-12%.

Could this be the issue?

Spikes in PL (Packet Loss) are usually the cause, however there’s not a whole lot you can about it; if you suspect it’s the case, reach out to your ISP support staff and they’ll help you troubleshoot.

Thank you for your help

But I don’t believe that’s the cause for me as my PL is sitting at 5% and I have very delayed movement
if there is a way I will provide a medal clip for example:

It’s hard to see the delay from a clip but it’s a bit noticeable when I am strafing and it messes with my aim usually.

Delay is visible in here and I can guarantee you this is a network thing, something messes with your connection and causes these issues. Your ISP support staff are the best people to talk to for help.