⭐️ DB-HUD [ESX/QB] | Well optimized modern hud

Hello, today we present you our new release db-hud. Our script is modern, clean and well optimized. This script uses Asset Escrow , so client side will be obfuscated.


  • ESX/QB (choose in config)
  • 0.01ms (0.03 in car)
  • Speedometer
  • Status hud

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Buy it here! 10€ + VAT

Config = {}

Config.Framework = 'QB' -- ESX or QB
Config.SpeedometerKMH = true -- true or false
Config.SpeedometertRefresh = 100 -- in milliseconds

Config.GetFuel = function(vehicle)
    return GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle) / 0.65

:point_right: DB-SLEEP
:point_right: DB-LOADINGSCREEN
:point_right: DB-HUD (OLD)
:point_right: DB-CARHUD
:point_right: D-LOADING

Code is accessible Client side is not accesible
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~247 (+UI)
Requirements ESX/QB
Support Yes

24€ for that?

Update is coming with added features like notifications and more, but yeah maybe 20 + vat is too much, lowered a bit, ty :slight_smile:

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What part of the code is not visible

Client side.

Price lowered to 10€.

v.0.1 Minor bug fix done.

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How do you add fuel system

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In the config