๐Ÿ’Ž DB-BANKING - Modern banking script for your project

Hello, today we present you our new release DB-BANKING . Our script has clean and modern looking UI and is well optimized. It can be used for any server. This script uses Asset Escrow .


  • Every player gets unique IBAN
  • The script is easily configurable (and will be more configurable in the future);
  • Sending, withdrawing, or depositing money is recorded in the bank history (recent activity).

:video_camera: Video Preview
:money_with_wings:Buy this resource (20โ‚ฌ + VAT)

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | ~250 + UI |
| Requirements | ox_lib |
| Support | Yes |


Not really sure what is so โ€œmodernโ€. I mean, it looks good. Also, you should do a video with the UI in english so that the majority of people that will look at this can actually see what is there. Most of us canโ€™t read that.


Will redo the preview today :slight_smile:

This looks so good, really nice ui! (btw: What is that hud? It looks really good!)

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Thank you! Hud is from my FiveM project, Iโ€™m planning to sell it too in cfx.re.