dazePostmanJob - Work as a postman!


With this script players are able to work as postman. Players will deliver packages across the city in order to make some money. This is whiltelist-free job. No SQL, no job_grades or other stuff. Purpose of this job is to give player more options to make money.


:heavy_dollar_sign:GET THIS SCRIPT FOR 8€ + VAT


  • Updates - this script is going to be updated frequently
  • Discord support
  • Very, very customizable configuration
  • Version checker - so you now when the newer release is available
  • Optimalization

In order to run this script you’re going to need only dazeNotify. Which can be found here: https://github.com/k4p1cz/dazeNotify

If you’re selling your resource, please include the following information at the end of your post:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) Around 500
Requirements dazeNotify
Support Yes
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