Dawg Gang ENG RP I Whitelisted I 18+I Realistic RoleplayI Gangs and Drugs I Casino I Custom Cars I 100k starting money

Dawg Gang Eng™

We are proud to announce our applications are officially OPEN as of 07/31/2020

To start, Dawg Gang Mafia™ is a FiveM is serious mafia roleplay server. Our story is based on how powerful real life mafias are. The Mafias runs the city . They control all of the guns, clubs and car dealerships. Can the cops and military take back the city? We strive to be a friendly and welcoming community. Our server is new but has only been growing and improving since we launched.

~ Questions and Answers ~

►Who am I?
Hello, I am owner of Dawg Gang Mafia™. I strive to maintain a friendly and healthy relationship with all members. I am one of the few owners who actually roleplay on the server. As for my FiveM history, I have a clean record and great reputation. I wrote the story of Dawg Gang ENG ,came up with the characters names and plots. Players are free to come up with there owns story and character names.

►Why does this server stand out?
There are many reasons why our server stands out of the crowd but the main highlight is how we embrace the essence of GTA. We have large Mafia Custom Homes to roleplay Over five large Mafia families !. Each mafia has a backstory and history . We are one of the few servers that employ a miltiary base that includes the Army and Navy. Don’t wanna live a life of crime ? We have something for you. Start a career a musician in our large music studio! How about becoming a Lawyer or Judge at City Hall? Do you love to gamble? Come on down to our large state of art Casino! Our server has it all! Do you love speed? Test your skills at our drag racing track!

Additional Questions? Comments? or Concerns? Ask in our discord in #ask-staff or questions and a staff member will get back to you ASAP.

~ Departments ~

Police Department

Sheriff Department

Military Base

Regional Office of Communication

Civilian Operations

City Hall


~ Community Requirements ~

You must…

  1. Have a clear working microphone.
  2. Speak clear and understandable English.
  3. Be 17+ years of age at the time of the application being submitted. .
  4. Maintain online activity.
  5. Meet our community’s’ standards and expectations.
  6. Own a legal copy of Grand Theft Auto V.
    - Does not apply for those interested in Communications

~ Features/Qualities ~

An active helpful staff team

Active and experienced department heads

High-quality, accurate to life, law enforcement, and civilian vehicles

Custom Cars

Custom Police Station

Custom Homes

Drag Racing

Yacht Rentals

ATV Tracks

Night Clubs

Car Shows

Miltiary Base



Experienced Development Team

~ How to Join ~

Join our Discord Discord