Package Details
Davis Station is a staple of every Server even if it’s just something to look at as you pass by whilst in a police chase or on your driving test. This Interior now allows you to house your Fire department. Whether that be for a British station or an American or other as Most textures are editable on signage.
This Interior has the following:
6 Offices
Call Centre
Training Room
Examination Room
Break Room + Kitchen Area with Pool tables and TV
Shower Rooms
Upstairs and Downstairs Unisex Toilets
Investigation Room
2 Paramedic & Police temp Offices
3 Fire Poles
Restroom (5 x Beds and storage)
Equipment Room
Open Garage with swinging split doors (Room for 3 Engines/Ladders and 2 Smaller Vehicles)
External Parking at the rear for 3 Reserved Parking Spaces, 1 Visitor and a Motorcycle bay.
All Posters, Advertisement Signs & Whiteboards are editable via the YTD as well as the Badge on the front of the building above the Garage. The Only Signage not editable is the large 3D “Davis Fire Station” sign.
This Interior includes a Fire Pole script to enhance Roleplay, read the “READ ME” file when installing.
This interior has been tested on game build 2545+, compatibility for previous game builds is not guaranteed.
This interior is only available from SG Mapping and is protected by the escrow system.
Any attempt to tamper with the files or claim them as your own will result in the asset being withdrawn from your keymaster.
| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A |
| Requirements | N/A |
| Support | Yes |