Datafile requires resource restart

Hey there,
So I’ve been playing around with datafiles (esp. weapon files) and I noticed that, in order for anyone to work, the resource has to be restarted after they joined. Whenever they rejoin, the resource has to be restarted as well and for every new player that joins it has to be restarted as well. Been looking around the forums for quite some time now to find a solution but couldn’t find any.
I technically could do a server sided script that, everytime someone joins, restarts the resource but I don’t think thats a good solution. Is there anyone with an actual solution?

FYI I’m trying to increase the weapon fire rate. This is the fxmanifest.lua, incase my dumbass did something wrong with basic resource stuff:

fx_version 'cerulean'
game 'gta5'
lua54 'yes'

data_file 'WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE' 'data/weaponanimations.meta'
data_file 'WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE' 'data/weaponcomponents.meta'

And these are the contents of the data folder:

~ PC1up

I do wanna preface this by apologizing saying I am not entirely sure if this is still common practice or even correct as I have not done it myself.

When streaming weapon modifications I have noticed some others declare the files themselves in fxmanifest and also include a data file line for the weapons.meta - However I’m sure someone more knowledgeable might know whats going on, just wanted to throw out my thoughts.

Some older threads I just found as well:

I’m not seeing any file entries in the manifest you posted.

Tried adding files but still only works after restarting the resource :person_shrugging: