Dark Karma RP (Beta) | Serious Roleplay | 24/7 | Hiring LEOs/EMS | Active Admins & Devs | Economy Based RP | ESX

Server Info

Server IP:
If that doesn’t work, Press F8 and type “connect”

Website: https://www.dkgaming.us
Discord: https://discord.gg/Am647Hc

Dark Karma RP (DKRP) offers a in depth, serious and rewarding role-playing experience. We are a friendly and growing community. We offer dedicated servers that are up 24/7 and are updated constantly. Our other servers Include ARK, Minecraft and not to mention FiveM. If you think this is the community for you. Get started on our discord and we’ll be happy to guide you! Further server details below.

(FiveM) Dark Karma RP has a strong and rewarding economy for its citizens. Minimum wage has been recently set to match the rising cost of living and expenses, although most pay well over that. The car dealers carry some of the best starter/daily driver cars or even the latest exotics to hit the market.

Illegal Activity

Take part in a array Illegal activities such as Gang activity, Traffic illegal weapons and drugs, Make and sell drugs to NPCs. Rob and kidnap other players, Start a jewelry or bank heist and much more.

Legal Activity

Currently DKRP offers a variety of legal activities /jobs to do around the city. Our legal jobs include (Lumberjack, Butcher, Fueler, Miner, Fisherman and more). Have fun on the night at the various clubs around the city including Bahama Mamas or Vanilla Unicorn.

Whitelisted Jobs

We are seeking all whitelisted positions in the City such as Law Enforcement Officers and EMS. Other white listed openings include Car Dealers (2), Mechanics and other player own-able businesses. We also offer custom scripts for custom jobs and businesses.


DKRP has budget apartments to luxury high rises around the city. Use them as a hideout or stash spot, A safe place to meet, or even change into your outfits. We have every housing solution to your problem. Just moved with not much money? Rent a rundown apartment for almost nothing. Do you have everything you could ever wish for? Take a look at the high rises or even Maze Bank tower (If you aren’t afraid of heights). Starting a business the realtors are happy to sell you a office space or a warehouse.

Cars and Vehicles

Dark Karma has over 200+ Custom cars with more being added daily. Performance/body parts available at Los Santos Customs or even the local Speed Shop.

Custom Scripts

DKRP has custom scripts to help craft the best RP experience possible. We have a variety of character animations not to mention (Point, Crouch, Prone and Ragdoll abilities)

Support and Reporting

DKRP Admins and Support Team are always eager to answer any of your questions, Whether its a Server issue or a Technical issue. Bugs will be dealt with as soon as possible. All player reports both in game and out of game are taken seriously, and are tended to as soon as possible.