Simple resource for danish fivem roleplay
Drop the Freddie_map inside your resources and add the line
“start Freddie_map” to your server cfg.
Simple resource for danish fivem roleplay
Drop the Freddie_map inside your resources and add the line
“start Freddie_map” to your server cfg.
Would you let me change the layout to my city?
I changed the textures, but they do not fix well. As you get distant, change the image
Yeah, can’t really fix that.
boots up fine. but does not show on map.
What do you mean?
resource boots up on console fine, but nothing is on map to go to the bank/car dealer
Hmm mærkeligt, det burde det altså. Servere som “premium network” har det, og deres fungere fint. Hvilket fivem map bruger du?
Ubs You not Danish? Why use a danish mod then? I was saying that other servers like “premium network” use It and they have no problem at all.
hvad skal man gøre for at komme ind
yikes det fandme æ kønt