Customizable Police Tent [Paid] [Prop]

Customizable Police Tent

We’re excited to announce our latest addition to the store - Customizable Police Table by British Studios. If you’re looking to add an extra layer of authenticity and realism to your server, look no further than this highly customizable prop.

Easily integrate it into your prop spawning menu and place it anywhere you like. You can also use the included ymap to situate it opposite the Legion Square Bank. And the best part? You can fully customize it to your needs by following the simple steps in our documentation.


  • Unique, Detailed Models & Textures
  • Protection via Asset Escrow
  • Highly Optimised Models (No frame Discrepancy)
  • Customizable Textures to change to your own needs


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Code is accessible Only YTD
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes

i love this!

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Merryweather Security is having a great time with this tent!

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Nice texture, glad they like it

would love to be able to duplicate the tent, so i can do different departments.

That should already be possible

its a tebex locked prop, so cant duplicate

If i want more then 1 texture, how can i duplicate the prop to be used? With it being keymaster locked it wont allow the duplicate.

helo link dead