Customizable Kill Effects | thug-kill-shows

Thug Kill Shows | Messages, Sounds, Screen Effects, Particle Effects


  • Hello, today we are here with Thug Kill Shows that will excite both players and server owners.

  • This script provides your players with fully customizable Kill Message, Kill Sound, Kill Screen Effect, Kill Particle Effect features.

  • Players can customize these features through the menu or turn them off.

  • Servers with the script can add as many new fonts, colors, sound effects, screen effects, particle effects as they want through Config.




Script Features

  • Detailed Configuration (settings.lua, locale.lua)

  • The script is completely standalone. Therefore it will work with all frameworks. It will work even if you don’t have a framework.

  • With JSON Database, data is kept fast and without optimization issues.

Code Accessible There are Escrow and Source Code versions.
Subscription Based No
Lines (Approximately) 400
Requirements Nothing
Support Yes and constant updates

Looks like a successful work bro

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Nice bro i like it

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Love the UI man!

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looks good… again!

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Does this work on AI as well or only real players?

Only real players.

Possible to make it work on AI as well?

I wanted to use this for a Zombie PvE Server and have this be something for players to unlock down the line or set it to supporters only, would you be able to consider doing this or is it not really viable?