Custom Texture keep unloading


I want to create a custom Texture and it is working fine on first try, but after that , it will not work at all

this is the code i write :

function createTexture(textureDict, textureName, url)
        local txd = CreateRuntimeTxd(textureDict)
        local duiObj = CreateDui(url, 250, 200)
        local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
        return CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, textureName, dui)
    --    return CreateRuntimeTextureFromImage(txd, textureName, 'shared/logo.jpg')

     -- create SHV Texture to use for notification
    texture = createTexture(

tried both from Dui handler and from Image

this is how i show it :

RegisterCommand('test', function()

    AddTextEntry('SHV_V2:ATE:notification', 'testing text '..tostring(math.random(1,10)))
    EndTextCommandThefeedPostMessagetext('SHV_LOGO', 'Exacute', true, 4, 'TITLE', 'SUBTITLE')


when i use createTexture function and register the texture
it will work as intended :
Annotation 2021-06-03 171639

but as soon as the notification is finished (and is no longer on the screen), if you try to use the same show notification function , it will not show the texture :
Annotation 2021-06-03 171613

also , i tried to check with HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded and it shows as loaded, i really dont know what is wrong here

i would appreciate any help
thank you