Custom spawn manager

Hello there.
I want to make my own resource and I don’t want to use any of the included ones (gamemodes, gameplay, …)
I now don’t know how to make my own spawn manager - how do I make a custom spawn point for all players? I don’t know how to use “spawnPlayer” function, can i get some examples?
Oh and I am making my scripts in Visual studio C#.

Thank you

function spawnPlayer(spawnIdx, cb)

Don’t know if this helps

Where would I put spawnPlayer function, inside OnPlayerConnecting event?
But it doesn’t seem to find that functuin in visual studio.

You don’t make your own spawnmanager, you utilize the spawnmanager functions see

Ok, but how can i call the function spawnPlayer from my C# script and how do I set the default spawn location for all players?

                float x = -812.0f;
                float y = -125.0f;
                float z = 9.0f;
                float heading = 45.0f;

                    x, y, z,
                    model = (int)PedHash.CiaSec01SMM,

for example