Custom sirens sounds with Els system - FIVEM SERVER

hi all, I need to customize the sirens of police vehicles equipped with els system. is it possible server side?


ELS for FiveM and ELS for LSPDFR are completely different platforms with completely different developers. You cannot change the siren sound for separate vehicles with the server-sided ELS, as far as I know. If anyone can prove me wrong, feel free to help out.

I use els for fivem by mrdagree
The resource for stream sirens sound server side Is this [Release] Custom server sided sounds
And Fivem developers have also published the same procedure but it doesn’t work!!

Hey I’m running into the same issue and I also have cutom server sided sounds but the sirens for some reason still don’t seem to work with that. But I heard the only thing that works is GitHub - Walsheyy/WMServerSirens: Server Sided Sirens for FiveM. . These are server side sirens but you need to configure them to work with your ELS script. The tutorial they posted is installing it with [Release] Luxart Vehicle Control So I haven’t figured exactly how to get them to work with [Release] ELS FiveM | Server Sync | Lights | Sirens | Custom Patterns But I do know you need to edit the client.lua so I would start there. If I get it working I’ll be sure to post it here.

If youre up to date you just put the sound in the vcf instead of doing what it says for “PlaySoundFromEntity”

Oh, I would assume that would be the part of each vehicles xml file? If so how exactly would I do that?

did you figure this out?