Custom police car - sirens not working?

I have tried with multiple custom add-on cars, with and without luxart enabled and sirens do not seem to work? It just uses the horn :confused:

I’ll include the resource/vehicle here: (5.4 MB)

If anyone knows how to fix, it would be greatly appreciated :frowning:

Similar issues?:


Not sure what you’re expecting if you’re not including nor loading the related audio data files.

I also tried this with POLICE, what else can I try?

Did u check the luxart keybinds? I think they use different keybinds :thinking:

The audio (without a vehicle named umkscout) was obviously broken, but beyond that, I wasn’t able to get the native “honk on horn” siren working (once I replaced the audio with a police vehicle).

Yeah me neither… vehicle class VC_EMEGENCY and audio hash as POLICE and the lights and sirens still don’t work. Not sure what else I’m suppose to look at

What about this then?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <residentAnims />
  <!-- start -->
      <animConvRoofWindowsAffected />
      <scenarioLayout />
      <FirstPersonDriveByIKOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.060000" z="-0.030000" />
      <FirstPersonDriveByUnarmedIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="-0.020000" />
	  <FirstPersonProjectileDriveByIKOffset x="0.055000" y="-0.075000" z="-0.045000" />
	  <FirstPersonProjectileDriveByPassengerIKOffset x="-0.055000" y="-0.075000" z="-0.045000" />
	  <FirstPersonProjectileDriveByRearLeftIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonProjectileDriveByRearRightIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonDriveByLeftPassengerIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonDriveByRightPassengerIKOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.060000" z="-0.030000" />
	  <FirstPersonDriveByRightRearPassengerIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonDriveByLeftPassengerUnarmedIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonDriveByRightPassengerUnarmedIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonMobilePhoneOffset x="0.130000" y="0.275000" z="0.530000" />
      <FirstPersonPassengerMobilePhoneOffset x="0.136000" y="0.223000" z="0.425000" />
			<Offset x="0.136000" y="0.156000" z="0.445000" />
			<SeatIndex value="2" />
			<Offset x="0.136000" y="0.156000" z="0.445000" />
			<SeatIndex value="3" />
      <PovCameraOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.175000" z="0.675000" />
      <PovCameraVerticalAdjustmentForRollCage value="0.000000" />
      <PovPassengerCameraOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
      <PovRearPassengerCameraOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
      <shouldUseCinematicViewMode value="true" />
      <shouldCameraTransitionOnClimbUpDown value="false" />
      <shouldCameraIgnoreExiting value="false" />
      <AllowPretendOccupants value="true" />
      <AllowJoyriding value="false" />
      <AllowSundayDriving value="false" />
      <AllowBodyColorMapping value="false" />
      <wheelScale value="0.244000" />
      <wheelScaleRear value="0.244000" />
      <dirtLevelMin value="0.000000" />
      <dirtLevelMax value="0.300000" />
      <envEffScaleMin value="0.000000" />
      <envEffScaleMax value="1.000000" />
      <envEffScaleMin2 value="0.000000" />
      <envEffScaleMax2 value="1.000000" />
      <damageMapScale value="0.600000" />
      <damageOffsetScale value="1.000000" />
      <diffuseTint value="0x00FFFFFF" />
      <steerWheelMult value="1.000000" />
      <HDTextureDist value="5.000000" />
      <lodDistances content="float_array">
      <minSeatHeight value="0.83" />
      <identicalModelSpawnDistance value="20" />
      <maxNumOfSameColor value="10" />
      <defaultBodyHealth value="3000.000000" />
      <pretendOccupantsScale value="1.000000" />
      <visibleSpawnDistScale value="1.000000" />
      <trackerPathWidth value="2.000000" />
      <weaponForceMult value="1.000000" />
      <frequency value="100" />
      <maxNum value="2" />
      <trailers />
      <additionalTrailers />
          <npcName />
          <npcName />
      <extraIncludes />
      <doorsWithCollisionWhenClosed />
      <driveableDoors />
      <bumpersNeedToCollideWithMap value="false" />
      <needsRopeTexture value="false" />
      <requiredExtras />
      <NmBraceOverrideSet />
      <buoyancySphereOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
      <buoyancySphereSizeScale value="1.000000" />
      <pOverrideRagdollThreshold type="NULL" />

    <!-- end -->
  <!-- start p2 -->
    <!-- end p2-->

Why does this not work? (12.4 MB)

Hello! I have the same error but I have discovered that if I leave the R key the siren sounds, someone tell me how to make it go on all the time only when I hit E until I hit E again.