Custom guns!

Does anyone know how to add Attachment to guns i want to add, flashlight to the glock-17, Flashlight and scope for M4A1
I’am using this pack

Lambda Menu in Weapon Options or whatever menu

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I don’t use lambda menu is there other way to do it. I saw a lot of servers have it

well, you need some sort of menu for it. other than that, code.


i know this is a bit late but vMenu

What kind of server is it? ESX, ■■■■, what ? It depends, that resource only replaces the carbine rifle , but in game it is still known as the weapon_carbinerifle, so whatever attachments go on the carbine rifle will be what you use.

sorry for late responce lol, if you dont want lambda menu i recommend vMenu as it has amazing configurable permissions and you can spawn cars, weapons, peds, etc.
Hope this helps :slight_smile:

how would u make custom weapons not spawn with attachments on qb core and then what would i do to make an item to put the attachment on