Custom frisk animation

What do you mean? The comment which you are referring to has no command to play animation. It is just for streaming the animation file


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How can I add this to dpemotes?

Hey! Awesome stuff! Can I add this to dpemotes and give you full credit?

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Sure :+1:

Strangely I couldn’t get it work :man_shrugging:

If I do the suspect animation and my friend does the police animation on crash

[Window Title]
Error GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_14133416C (0x1ed)

[Main Instruction]
GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_14133416C (0x1ed)

An error at GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_14133416C (0x1ed) caused FiveM to stop working. A crash report is being uploaded to the FiveM developers.

Legacy crash hash: wolfram-massachusetts-oven
Stack trace:
GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_14133416C (0x1ed)
GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_14151A1E4 (0x138)
GTA5_b2612.exe!sub_1412CFF30 (0xed)
GTA5_b2612.exe!StartAddress (0xfd)
KERNEL32.DLL!BaseThreadInitThunk (0x13)
ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart (0x20)

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[Expanded Information]
Crash signature: GTA5_b2612.exe+1334359
Report ID: … [uploading]
You can press Ctrl-C to copy this message and paste it elsewhere.

Couldn’t get it to work as in animation didn’t work or was there some issue syncing up the animation?

Well, that crash doesn’t give any detail to me. Just make sure you are using the latest ycd else you will have crash due to old bug of missing Unknown1C tag in ycd

I added the ycd, added the code to the menu, applied the animation and the ped doesn’t do anything, also don’t know about shared synced emotes and offsets.

["police"] = {"custom@police", "police", "Police Fouille", AnimationOptions =
     EmoteLoop = false
["suspect"] = {"custom@suspect", "suspect", "Suspect Fouille", AnimationOptions =
     EmoteLoop = false
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