Custom Dab animation

Presenting custom dab animation cause why not! Thanks to Disquse and whole team for providing community this amazing tool. Really looking forward for what community has :slight_smile:

Just download and put the ycd in stream folder, RequestAnimDict and play it :boom:

Click to download (4.9 KB)

Edit: Uploaded a new version to fix game crash and messed up ped skeleton


great release and good on you for releasing it as free :slight_smile:

figured it out just add this to dpemotes/Client/AnimationList.lua below Dp.Emotes

["dab"] = {"custom@dab", "dab", "Dab"},


OMG scora network :tired_face:

this is great thing i ever see in this community

I think @ultrahacx should release a freemium version of this asset so we can show our thanks. Maybe sell an NFT?

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hahah thanks

How do you make custom animations…? i would love to learn to make some fun ones for my server

smh this is nothing compared to my orange justice


You still waiting for that Fortnite employment?

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It has been 4 years still no response from epic :cry:

i feel down bad downloading this

I agree, should also charge for every dab use per server.


Don’t worry friend! It’s their loss!


New system to create animations!

Hey! Nice work! But how to stream multiple animations? Because if i start more than one then it will crash the game when i play the anim or just become buggy. One by one, they are all working. (cant_see,dab,breakdance)

There is seemingly some issue with how Animkit deals with the bone structure (not very sure so don’t quote me on this) so custom animations results in either a messed up bone structure or a game crash. Best way to prevent this is to clear the previous ped tasks/animations and then play the new animation.
You can stream multiple animation fine but you just need to clear the animations and tasks before playing a new animation

any tips on how to get them to stream to the server, as still try to work that out, some way i have tried have not worked

Just have your folder with the resource name “Dab-emote” or something then inside have a stream folder and and an empty __resource.lua and then inside the stream folder put your annimation. Then I went to my dpemotes resource and added [“dab”] = {“custom@dab”, “dab”, “Dab”}, to dpemotes/Client/AnimationList.lua below Dp.Emotes which allows me to access it through the menu and also do /e dab for the animation :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: