Custom animation pack

Presenting you a pack of 10 custom animations. Huge thanks to @Cosmo for helping me out on getting the animations right :heart:


Animation properties such as looping etc for configuring dpemotes or similar tools:
anim_properties.txt (498 Bytes)

Download anims.rar (396.6 KB)

Liked my release or have extra money on you? Feel free to support me here. Every little bit helps


First! Push the garage :madge:. Anyway, good work🥵

Can I pay you for a list of custom animations

looks sick :grinning:

Very good :slight_smile:

1 Like

Thanks for “Salsa”!!!
Hi From Perú :slight_smile:

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Awesome work!

this is awesome!


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can you add animation names for dpemotes?

1 Like

wow, good work :+1:


how to add it?

To add to dpemotes this SHOULD work. (animationslist.lua)

I haven’t tested yet. So hopefully it works :slight_smile:

   ["armswirl"] = {"custom@", "armswirl", "Arm Swirl", AnimationOptions =
        EmoteMoving = false,
        EmoteLoop = true
   ["armwave"] = {"custom@", "armwave", "Arm Wave", AnimationOptions =
        EmoteMoving = false,
        EmoteLoop = true
   ["circle_crunch"] = {"custom@", "circle_crunch", "Circle Crunch", AnimationOptions =
        EmoteMoving = false,
        EmoteLoop = true
   ["dig"] = {"custom@", "dig", "Dig", AnimationOptions =
        EmoteMoving = false,
        EmoteLoop = true
   ["gangnamstyle"] = {"custom@", "gangnamstyle", "Gangnam Style", AnimationOptions =
        EmoteMoving = false,
        EmoteLoop = true
   ["makarena"] = {"custom@", "makarena", "Makarena", AnimationOptions =
        EmoteMoving = false,
        EmoteLoop = true
   ["maraschino"] = {"custom@", "maraschino", "Maraschino", AnimationOptions =
        EmoteMoving = false,
        EmoteLoop = true
   ["salsa"] = {"custom@", "salsa", "Salsa", AnimationOptions =
        EmoteMoving = false,
        EmoteLoop = true
   ["what_idk"] = {"custom@", "what_idk", "What", AnimationOptions =
        EmoteMoving = false,
        EmoteLoop = false

   ["pickfromground"] = {"custom@", "pickfromground", "Pick From Ground", AnimationOptions =
        EmoteMoving = false,
        EmoteLoop = false

Close this is how to get it working correctly;

-- // New

   ["armswirl"] = {"custom@armswirl", "armswirl", "Arm Swirl", AnimationOptions =


        EmoteMoving = false,

        EmoteLoop = true


   ["armwave"] = {"custom@armwave", "armwave", "Arm Wave", AnimationOptions =


        EmoteMoving = false,

        EmoteLoop = true


   ["circle_crunch"] = {"custom@circle_crunch", "circle_crunch", "Circle Crunch", AnimationOptions =


        EmoteMoving = false,

        EmoteLoop = true


   ["dig"] = {"custom@dig", "dig", "Dig", AnimationOptions =


        EmoteMoving = false,

        EmoteLoop = true


   ["gangnamstyle"] = {"custom@gangnamstyle", "gangnamstyle", "Gangnam Style", AnimationOptions =


        EmoteMoving = false,

        EmoteLoop = true


   ["makarena"] = {"custom@makarena", "makarena", "Makarena", AnimationOptions =


        EmoteMoving = false,

        EmoteLoop = true


   ["maraschino"] = {"custom@maraschino", "maraschino", "Maraschino", AnimationOptions =


        EmoteMoving = false,

        EmoteLoop = true


   ["salsa"] = {"custom@salsa", "salsa", "Salsa", AnimationOptions =


        EmoteMoving = false,

        EmoteLoop = true


   ["what_idk"] = {"custom@what_idk", "what_idk", "What", AnimationOptions =


        EmoteMoving = false,

        EmoteLoop = false


   ["pickfromground"] = {"custom@pickfromground", "pickfromground", "Pick From Ground", AnimationOptions =


        EmoteMoving = false,

        EmoteLoop = false


ahh, I got the animation directory wrong then. Oopsie. Thanks bud :slight_smile:

He still no push the garage :rage:

Good work as always though

No garage, we want more CUSTOM ANIMATIONS!!! 4EVAAAAA

Do you take requests? I’m looking for some medical animations. If not that’s cool.

Awesome animations btw!!