CURLcode 0x18 + fatal error

GTA V version? **Current
Up to date? Yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? Steam
Windows version? Windows 8.1
GTA V folder screenshot :

What language is your PC?

I had the same issue, I resolved it. Check towards the bottom of the post. [RESOLVED] CURLcode 0x18 When installing pΛ

I’m dont CURLcode 0x18 ı Dont understand [RESOLVED] CURLcode 0x18 When installing pΛ
please help me skype
Yardım et

Could you please explain it more I couldn’t get what you’re saying there :C

@ViperDeMLG That CURL code is a communication error… All you can do it keep trying… Only time will tell

disable firewall and uninstall any antivirus except defender

Yep got it to work I kept reinstalling for like 15-20 times.

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It’s not working properly again :C feelsbadman