Cunning Stunts Camera?

Hi there.
With the Cunning Stunts DLC Rockstar intoduced a new camera (-behaviour/movement), which is used in stunt races. Is there a way to activate that? i’m developing a stunt racing server and the default camera works really bad with tubes and loops (any kind of upside-down driving basically).
Ideally I’m looking for a flag or a value to set. I’d like to avoid setting the camera position and rotation manually every tick.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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It’d probably be a good idea to look at the decompiled scripts - perhaps compare across versions if older scripts are still available on the internet somewhere. This is likely to be some DLC-introduced native command that toggles this mode.

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Yes, that was also one of my ideas. I’ve been looking for the past days for decompiled v1.34 and v1.35, with no luck :frowning: .

Ok, so I just started calling obfuscated native function hashes from the CAM category and calling 0x0AA27680A0BD43FA every tick seems to do the trick. As much as I’d like to avoid per tick invokations from scripts, I think I’m gonna go with that for now.

Edit: After some races I noticed that it doesn’t feel quite right, but it does dramatically enhance visibility for upside-down driving.