Cumbria & Northwest British RP

Welcome To Cumbria & Northwest RP - Your place to suit all your Roleplaying Needs.

We are looking for:
RAC / Mechanic
Uber Drivers

What do we offer?
Multi Characters
Custom Cars
Realistic Car Sounds
Custom Clothes
Mumble - VOIP
British Buildings
Fully Functional Casino
British Maps
Advanced Banking
Fully Complete In House Coded McDonalds Menu
House Robbery’s
Advanced Bank Robbery’s

  • Many more amazing features + Many More Paid Scripts

Our server is under new development as we decided to start from scratch again and build on the brand new ESX build. Currently our server is open and available to join as it is a steady build. However there are much more to be added yet.

DISCORD - [Cumbria & Northwest British RP ] (NightHawkGaming Multi Server)