Cuff YourSelf Fivem Ready | Standalone

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Cuff YourSelf Fivem Ready | Standalone

/cuffself to cuff yourself

known bugs: none atm

v1 showcase image:


your license: you may change the code if you would like (not much reasons to its a good script)

dont reupload without giving credits

its not for commercial use :D.

raw zip: (1.0 KB) version 1.0.1
github: VexxyDevs/Cuff-YourSelf-Fivem-Ready-Standalone: Cuff YourSelf Fivem Ready | Standalone ( version 1.0.1

put this in your server.cfg:

“start cuffself”

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Your server.lua had an issue heres the corrected code:

AddEventHandler(“playCuffSound”, function(cuff)
local soundId = GetSoundId()
if cuff then

thankyou :D. I didnt mean to have the play sound in there thankyou for realising my mistake i have fixed that and will be reposting the edited version without the sound as i was planning as it just is better.


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frrrr lmao :rofl: i didnt think of that lmao i did it so an officer can say cuff ur self or whatever

How about a function for admins to /uncuff or something, including being able to uncuff themselves if someone troll cuffed them.

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you can uncuff doing the same thing /command

/cuffself is the command

i will take your idea and take it in to consideration

A few issues here:

Use fxmanifest.lua instead of __resource.lua"

fx_version 'cerulean'
games { 'rdr3', 'gta5' }

author 'vexxy'
description 'A script for cuffing and uncuffing yourself'
version '1.0.0'

client_scripts {

You are using GetPlayerPed(-1), should be GetPlayerPed()

i prefer __resource.lua but thx ig lol.

Living in the past… And on old code.