Crystal Side Role Play | WHITELISTED | EUP | SERIOUS RP | FRIENDLY COMMUNITY | Hiring BCSO and lots more


Welcome to the Official Crystal Side Role Play, i would first like to say thank you for taking the time to look at our post and we hope to see you in the server some day. If you would like to be apart of a friendly serious RP server you have found the one!

What is different about our community to all the rest?

Our community is friendly provides the best type of role play you are looking for. We also provide a great support team on the official discord. We also are a whitelisted server the reason for this is because we don’t want trolls or hackers to disrupt any of the RP scene’s. You do we also are whitelisted because we are an extremely realistic server so if you are looking for a realistic server you have found the one! We also are offering our Paid Assets not just GTAV mods or LCPDFR downloads. We also have a 3 different teams such as a Dev, Tech and Support team. All of the departments promise to offer the best of assistance.

We will be offering loads of different departments that is kept up to standards by the staff. Departments ranging from Civilian to Bail Bonds. Official Crystal Side Role Play offers up to four different departments on server launch more to come.

➼ Civilian Departments

➼ Crystal Side Bail Bonds

➼ Blaine County Sheriffs Office

➼ San Andreas Highway Patrol

➼ Los Santos Police Department

➼ San Andreas Medical + Fire

➼ San Andreas Communication Department


Join our Discord to Apply Today

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Bumping Need Members



