Creating Blip

Hello! I have been trying to figure out how to use the blip natives and stuff. So I need to create a blip and some coordinates and have it draw the route. Does anyone have any ideas?

blip = AddBlipForCoord(coords)

SetBlipRoute(blip, true)
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Use FiveM natives list and search for ADD_BLIP_

You could also search for SET_BLIP_ and you’ll see a bunch of natives which takes as the first parameter the blip handle (what all ALL_BLIP_* functions returns) and the rest it’s pretty much self-explanatory

For blips Sprite + Colour you could use FiveM Blips Docs as reference

A simple example

local my_blip = AddBlipForCoord(100.23, 20.3, 75.71)
SetBlipRoute(my_blip, true)
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function makeblips()

yowblips = AddBlipForCoord(220.12,2800.83)

SetBlipSprite (yowblips, 58) --


AddTextComponentString('Package') -- name of the blip




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