CREATE_VEHICLE doesn't create vehicle on server side until you pass 6th parameter


Using canary: No
Windows version: 1909
System specifications:


Operating system: Windows
Artifact version: 3561 (same with 3539)
IP address: localhost
Resources: default
System specifications:


Summary: I’ve created vehicle on server side and I am trying to get entity routing bucket, but server is not aware of entity and I receive error about invalid entity.
Expected behavior: I expect awared entity on server side after creation
Actual behavior: Entity is not awared on server side even after 1 minute, however plane is created in game.
Steps to reproduce: Run following code and use command /plane and then /dimveh:

local vehicle
RegisterCommand("plane", function(source, args, raw)
    local playerId = source
    local mode = args[1]    
    vehicle = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey("velum2"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(playerId)))
end, false)

RegisterCommand("dimveh", function(source, args, raw)
    local playerId = source
    local dim = args[1]
    print("Dim", GetEntityRoutingBucket(vehicle))

    if dim ~= nil then
        SetEntityRoutingBucket(vehicle, tonumber(dim))
end, false)

Server/Client: Server
Files for repro (if any): See above
Error screenshot (if any):

.dmp files/report IDs: *

Any additional info:

Issue in function parameters, if you don’t pass a 6th parameter (it can be anything), then vehicle will not exist on server side.

vehicle = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey("blista"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(playerId)), 0.0) -- will not exist on server side
vehicle = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey("blista"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(playerId))) -- will not exist on server side
vehicle = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey("blista"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(playerId)), 0.0, "dfsdfds") -- will exist on server side
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After reconnecting to server it works now :confused:

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Now it doesn’t work again. I am trying to investigate how to reproduce this error.

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This would be because you have to wait for the entity to be created, as CREATE_VEHICLE is an RPC native, the entity isn’t instantly created server-side unless you use the experimental CREATE_AUTOMOBILE native. If you want to use CreateVehicle you have to wait server side for the entity to exist.

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Yeah, you are right - it is not created instantly, but in this case it is not created at all. I’ve waited for 1 hour, but nothing :grin:


Are you passing a valid model?

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Yep. Vehicle itself is created in game.

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Posting those screenshots for better representation:

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Same happening on 3580 artifacts and now it is always happenin like this!

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Issue in function parameters, if you don’t pass a 6th parameter which can be anything, then vehicle will not exist on server side.

vehicle = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey("blista"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(playerId)), 0.0) -- will not exist on server side
vehicle = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey("blista"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(playerId))) -- will not exist on server side
vehicle = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey("blista"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(playerId)), 0.0, "dfsdfds") -- will exist on server side
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Reading the CreateVehicle, wouldn’t it make sense to pass a ‘boolean’ in the 6th param (btw a string is a truthy) to tell the server that the entity is a networked entity? else its just false? Unless the Lua system is defaulting the last two params isNetworked and netMissionEntity as true but no longer is which is why it doesn’t work in the way you’re expecting it.


CREATE_VEHICLE exactly mirrors the client native, which also needs the network flag set.

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Code -

XD.Functions.CreateCallback('XD:SpawnVehicleSV', function(source, cb, model, coords, heading) 
    local vehicle = CreateVehicle(model, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, heading, true, true, true)

Result -

Code -

XD.Functions.CreateCallback('XD:SpawnVehicleSV', function(source, cb, model, coords, heading) 
    local vehicle = CreateVehicle(model, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, heading, true, true, true)
    while not DoesEntityExist(vehicle) do

Result -


So basically you need to wait for entity to be created to avoid any invalid entity errors.