Create COLLSION-FREE Zones | No Collsion Zones Pro


No Collision Zones Pro - Define collision-free zones

We all know it: The functional places like garages, job locations and so much more are way too full and everybody just keeps crashing into each other. Too sad that there is no solution…
But wait, there is a solution: No Collision Zones Pro allows you to define collision-free (and if you want to also PVP free) zones where your players can park their cars, attach their trailers and do all the other stuff they could not do because they had no space, and it was too overcrowded.


  • Configurable - Every detail is configurable
  • Standalone - No Framework? No problem
  • Easy to use - Intuitively useable and easy to install
  • Translatable - 100% translatable
  • Notifications - Customizable Enter & Leave Notifications
  • Peace Zone - Too many killings in the zone? Disable PVP
  • Zone Names - Set a custom name for every zone
  • Zone Height - Don’t want transparent planes? Set a height


If you need help with any of our resources, you can either ask for help under the related forum post.


You can purchase it here: Garmingo | Safe Zones Pro



Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1274
Requirements None
Support Yes

Where is the purchase link?

We are very sorry, but we actually forgot to add the link.

Here it is:

And we also added it to the post.

Best regards,
Alex from Codineer


What’s the resmon on this script?

Hey, this is just a quick reminder that this product has been replaced with Safe Zones Pro…