Crazy desync and laggy to others

Hello, I have crazy desync. I need help please it is not good for a GTA community. I keep lagging but on my screen its fine and other people are saying I keep crashing into them. Please anyone help.

Up to date? Yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? Steam
Windows version? Windows 11
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? Yes.
System specifications. AMD A8-9600 RADEON R7, 10 COMPUTE CORES 4C+6G 8GB RAM (7.44 USEABLE)
What did you do to get this issue? Nothing, It just happens when I play.
What server did you get this issue on? Every

Beyond the fact that there’s no physical you could have played and had the issue on “every server” nor the fact that this is in the wrong category, there are two main causes for this - either issues with your PC performance, or your network performance.

My primary concern in regards to the former is with the 8 GBs of RAM and the fact that you have an iGPU - it’s most likely not enough to obtain even 60 FPS on FiveM servers that have custom assets like MLOs, particularly if those aren’t optimized. What’s your average FPS on your preferred server, and do you experience any “lag spikes” while playing?

In regards to networking, what’s your average ping to your preferred server(s)? Also, try playing with the NetGraph (enabled via the F8 console) active and see if you can notice anything out of ordinary during gameplay.
Lastly, and as usual, try restarting your PC and router (all of them if you have several) to see if it helps at all.

Moved to the correct area.

As said above, 8GB generally isnt enough these days and the fact that your iGPU shares with your RAM it will hinder your performance pretty good.

If you are saying its fine on your end and not on theres then you more then likely have a network issue on your end “possibly got some packet loss? playing using Wifi?”.

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