GTA V version? Latest
Up to date? Yes
Legit or Pirate copy? Legit
Steam/CD/Social Club? SC
Windows version? Latest
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? Yes
Error screenshot (if any)
System specifications Win10, ryzen5 1600x Gtx1070 16GB RAM SSD
What did you do to get this issue? I changed traffic cars by popgroups.ymt
What server did you get this issue on? My own FX Server
CitizenFX.log file CitizenFX.log (76.5 KB)
i’m preparing car pack for big server on my local server. I added all vehicles, changed some parametres, added their names e.t.c.
when i try to add these cars into traffic by __resource.lua (150 Bytes)
popgroups.ymt (184.8 KB)
I am having an issue after leaving a server.
[Window Title]
[Main Instruction]
FiveM has encountered an error
An exception occurred (c0000005 at 0x1402b33f1) during removing of resources:/traffic/popgroups in data file mounter class CPopulationDataFileMounter. The game will be terminated.
If you require immediate support, please visit and mention the details in this window.
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[Expanded Information]
Crash signature: fivem.exe+2B33F1
Report ID: si-46a99863c9034a9c889de08a7758d19b (use Ctrl+C to copy)
While i am on server - everything ok, traffic work nice, added cars are spawning in traffic, but when i disconnect from the server - client crashing.
server.cfg server.cfg (1.6 KB)
Can anyone find my error?)