Crashed: Mockingbird-two-purple

Continuing the discussion from Mockingbird-two-purple:

Before continuing, please make sure that your issue/crash has not been filed before on this forum. If it has, please provide additional information in the existing forum topic by filling out the template there.

To provide valuable feedback for OneSync issues or crashes, please fill out the following template as much as possible.


Using canary?
Windows version:
Windown 10
System specifications:
Multiple report from client


Operating system:
Windows Server 2012 R2
Artifact version:
1354 (Latest) - Onesync+ Enabled 128 Slots
IP address:
System specifications:
(Player is playing normal in servers)


Player is randomly crashing by crash hash : mockingbird-two-purple
Expected behavior:
i don’t known
Actual behavior:
Player is randomly crashing
Steps to reproduce:
(Player is playing normal in servers)
Files for repro (if any):
Error screenshot (if any):
.dmp files/report IDs:
1b61da9d-59a1-428f-b496-39686d844532.rar (658.9 KB) e5732cc8-95aa-4bab-9baf-7fb9d584344f.rar (685.8 KB) 5d4b9125-dc08-4fc1-ac6a-165b982ce748.rar (650.7 KB) 48150fff-2ca3-4a1b-930a-d4abd0c901e1.rar (696.6 KB)

Any additional info:

My Server is error to movkingbird…

If needed the full dump is here:

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is anyone found a method to fix ? my server’s players keep getting this crash error

:v khá quá nhờ

Thanks for providing a full dump. Looks like the game is crashing trying to change owner of a ped in a wandering scenario with a scenario index of -1. As to why the ped is in that state I’m not sure. We may need to add a hook to crash the game when the ped gets put into that state instead of waiting until changeowner is called. 1 thing I’m going to check is to see if the base migration code handles the corrupt ped and doesn’t call changeowner on it.

1 Like

Repro steps

	while true do


local spawnedPeds = {}
	if GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) ~= "pichotm" then return end

	local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
	for i=1,128 do
		local a, b = i, 0
		while a >= 10 do
			b = b + 1
			a = a - 10

		local ped = CreatePed(4, `mp_m_freemode_01`, pos.x + a * 1.0, pos.y + 1.0 * b, pos.z - 1.0, 0.0, true, true)
		--SetPedHeadBlendData(ped, math.random(4, 20), math.random(4, 20), math.random(4, 20), math.random(4, 20), math.random(4, 20), math.random(4, 20), 1.0, 0.5, 1.0)
		--FreezeEntityPosition(ped, true)
		TaskUseNearestScenarioToCoord(ped, GetEntityCoords(ped), 200.0, -1)
		--SetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(ped, true)

		spawnedPeds[#spawnedPeds + 1] = ped

AddEventHandler("onResourceStop", function(r)
	if r ~= GetCurrentResourceName() then return end

	for _,v in pairs(spawnedPeds) do

How to use it:

  • Two players

  • developer 1 in the server console

  • Start the “repro” resource

  • Use force_enet_disconnect on the other player (who is not the host of the peds)

  • Use immediately force_enet_disconnect on you

  • 1s after your reconnection F8 quit (not sure it works with standard disconnection)

  • The other player will crash


Thanks for the repro :heart:. As for an update, I’ll be poking at this myself some more over the weekend. So far what’s been found is that the ped clone messages sometimes have the task tree sync node but not the task data sync node. This leads to uninitialized CTaskInfos being used to create Tasks leading to the crash.

The specific clone that calls CheckMigration (as the server is telling the new client they own the ped) actually contains a few CPedTaskSpecificDataNode instances, but this is not being read as CheckMigration calls ChangeOwner (which crashes) and then rejects the sent state as it pertains to a locally-controlled netobj.

A likely fix would be to call CheckMigration after a successful apply only… assuming this won’t act on any removed CNetGamePlayer.

(seems fine after a quick test, so is committed to cloning: apply a pending clone sync before changing ownership of a mi… · citizenfx/fivem@fd04e57 · GitHub)


Great News for the fix push!
We have upgrade to the last artefact.

So I don’t think it is fixed or it just came back

Just add this to the repro and you will crash ~10s later

  NetworkOverrideClockTime(14, 0, 0)
    while true do
        Wait(math.random(400, 400))

        for veh in EnumerateVehicles() do
        for veh in EnumerateObjects() do

        for veh in EnumeratePeds() do
          --if not IsPedAPlayer(veh) then
           --SetEntityCoords(veh, math.random(-2000, 2000) + 0.0, math.random(-2000, 2000) + 0.0, 70.0)

you also need this

some testers also reported getting sometime “illinois-bacon-friend” as crash name

Any news regarding this?
We’ve started seeing this for some players, but only for specific players.
Also, we run a “little-bit” outdated artifacts version, but the reason for that is that the latest recommended ( 2967 ) causes even more problems, like ghost cars etc, which we have under control 100% with the current build we run.

Whats that build?

Was the build that was recommended before 2967.

But, 2967 is a problem too as explained, so that would be awesome if they fixed.
As said - we got control over ghost cars 110% on the build were on, but with 2967, they came back.

Anyway you can get the actual version? I mean how can i know what WAS the recommended version lol

Can you tell me where i can see it, then i’ll check it up for you straight away, but i actually don’t know where i can spot which version i’m using - and i cannot remember which it was.


We’ve started to get crashes again for this as well, going to request some dumps from our community to provide. We are currently on build 3220