Couldn't load resource fivem: Failed to open packfile: ReadBulk of header failed: Failed to fetch: Failed to add entry to local storage (download corrupted?)

Hello, i have problem with my dev server. I was tried to reinstall my pack… and nothing. Always the same pop-up :confused: “Couldn’t load resource fivem: Failed to open packfile: ReadBulk of header failed: Failed to fetch: Failed to add entry to local storage (download corrupted?)” This pop-up shows up to me after i was download all server content. Any thing how i can to fix it? Reinstall pack/script, delete my cache or delete server cache don’t working… Sorry for my english.

Monitor your F8 console while loading, it’ll most likely tell you which exact file in what resource fails to be loaded correctly. If you dont have the console, switch to Canary build of the FiveM client (temporarily, at least)


i don’t know, why i don’t have any message while loading. I checked my server console while loading but there was no mistake…


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