Couch DB 2.0 Support

Hello all! I am very lost with couch DB 2.0 at this point. I currently use 1.6 as 2.0 wouldn’t install for me. As you all know we have til the 15th to switch to FXServer, which means essential mode 4. I was able to install couch db 1.6 successfully but when I uninstall it and install couch db 2.0 it doesn’t allow me to go to the webpage with the local host IP. When I look at it in the task manager it says, Running then switches to stopping every two seconds. I am very lost on what to do. I have looked everywhere for days and this is my last resort. I run a large community and have worked with multiple dev’s but no one can figure it out. i run my server off a box with Hostek. Please help! My discord is, Imbert
#2164. I need help! Thank you all!

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I got same problem (((

If you’re running it on Linux you need to follow my guide on the tutorial section.

I’m on windows server.

Ah, unfortunately CouchDB has a slew of problems when installing it on different machines. I quite personally don’t like it and I wouldn’t be able to help you with windows as I’ve never succesfully set it up on a windows machine.

Best of luck however, hopefully someone else can chime in. At this point however you might want to check out the CouchDB IRC and ask there as they would know more than us here on the forums.

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