♾️ Core Inventory [QB/ESX] - Advanced grid-based Inventory

you can try it out on united 2.0. Will be making a test server also :slight_smile:


  • Backwards compatibility with qb-inventory stashes/player search (QB Version)
  • Added option for storage to be personal for each player
  • Bundle with core_clothing (ESX Version)
  • Fixed minor bugs

P.S Lag in the video is because it was filmed without FiveM Lag-Fix setting

i got a problem with the shop ¿how can i contact you?

Check out contact information on tebex.

Please continue updating this forever! :sweat_smile:

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This inventory is so cool . what about the ms bro?

Its 0.01 ms it does not use alot of loops :slight_smile:


  • Sync older inventory
  • Starter items
  • More compatibility issues fixed

Hi the script is awesome i have bought it but i have a simply question. I don’t see option for give some object to other people near me, i can’t do this action ?

it has a drop feature like many games to give items. if its a highly requested feature it will be added :slight_smile:

ok thanks a lot for the answer. In fact, the only environment in which I found it a bit uncomfortable is in the case in which those who work in a club have to pass food or the like when there is more than one player inside. Anyway thanks again very much for the answer

Definitely needs a GIVE option… Every inventory worth it’s salt has this.

Looks awesome ! As all of your scripts do ! However, definitely needs a give option indeed. I would buy if it had a give option

purchased this along with the core clothing. I have a few issues. Running esx, me and a few other customers are unable to get weapons to work within the inventory. Personally i have another inventory running in the background for testing, the weapons are there but in this one, they are not showing up. second, in the clothing script, there is no way to change the arms to fit clothes.

Hello, I have a problem to install inventory in ESX. The server functions not found. In my console say that export functions not found.

to make weapons work you need to add them as items and their category to be “weapons”. To make arms set torso value in clothing config there is an example.

I have the same problem and my character didn’t load skin

My solution was transfer all files of the folder with winSCP and not with Filezilla. You can try.

Wow, amazing code! Seems like a good useable script!

What about the money. is this can use only bank money ? (Esx)