🚨 Core Dispatch - 3 Emergency jobs work in sync, Alerts, Calls, Blips, Permissions

Didnt understand a thing

Yo anyone got a pre-done config for alerts? Can’t figure out how to add alerts to the dispatch? Please and thanks o.o

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Why ?

No good, skip it for real.

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I see no purchases from you.


  • Added subsidiary jobs to those who want more then 3 jobs in dispatch

If I’m provided support for a product I paid for (which is promised via their ToS and advertised on their website) then I will gladly edit this review/post.

Per my initial message above, I have edited this post as support has been received (albeit initially in an aggressive and hostile manner, but support nonetheless)

The issue still persists, but support is being given and a root cause will be identified shortly. :crossed_fingers:

Our company has actually stayed away from this vendor entirely.

Why does the unit’s gps have a range of 540 meters? How can I increase the range of this?

that happens on infinity

Great Work ! Question ¿The shooting alerts trigger when a weapon have a supressor ?

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No they dont

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H i i bought Youre Dipach for ESX how do i make it work?
can u send me a link?

like i have seen the

exports[‘core_dispach’]:addCall(code, title, {
{icon=fontawsomeicon, info=information}
}, {x,y,z}, job, cooldown, blipsprite, blipcolor )


exports[‘core_dispach’]:addMessage(message, {x,y,z}, job, cooldown, blipsprite, blipcolor )

in the README but where do i put it?

contact us on dc

my friend brought the script. whenever we are active as police or ems there are blips on the map that say “Enemy” why is this and how do i remove?

we dont provide support here :slight_smile:

i need some major help setting up for vehicle theft, drug selling and others. :confused:

we have snippets channel with examples and all that

You bought it a year ago