🚨 Core Dispatch - 3 Emergency jobs work in sync, Alerts, Calls, Blips, Permissions

dispatch or dispach? lol im just probably tripping

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Yea i misspelled and only realized after so thats that. It should be dispatch :slight_smile:


  • Fixed the resolution bug
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I purchased this standalone and uploaded and started scripts and its not working ?

I replied in cfx pm

hey mate
love the script i just cant get it functioning full

so do i have to add everysingle person in server.cfg for ace perms ?
…and also like the #1 beside my name which would be my call sign.

when i do /callsign 738 it sets it to 738
but if i relog im back at #1.

and the only alert ive seen yet was me requesting help…shots fired nothing…i stol a few cars never got alert

Why did you post in the topic and not pm? Also this is esx topic and you have the standalone version. Standalone uses ace permissions or anything you specify in get Job function. By default you only get alerts for gun shots whitch you probably dont get since you have to setup gun shot detection zones or make one zones radius extreamly high to fill the map. As for other alerts there are exports and trigger for you to set them up yourself. Or if you would have access to dc there is a pdf with instructions for robberies, car thefts and such. And yes call signs dont save.

So basically what youre telling me is you sold a half done dispatch script

sorry a “dispach” script that is half done and not really a dispatch script.

We all know how the classic fiveM alert scripts work… why would anyone want a script that only consists of only gunshot alerts. mate youre missing the other 6 most important alerts for emergency personals. this is very sad. and yes i posted on the topic…because this is a topic about your product that everyone should be aware of prior to purchasing. its a shame mate a shame. Next im going to follow up with paypal requesting about your product. and defiantly requesting my money back from this item you sold that was half done and far from a dispatch system
mate this script only dispatches the useless alert needed…what is the use of this dispatch system other then knowing where gun fire is…mean while the only alerts that are looked at often are not involved.


you posted in the ad a image of a complete dispatch working with all alerts. and then really sold this


You recieved everything that was described. Since the description is in tebex not in the thumbnail. If you dont know how to make robberies show alerts you just have to ask not accuse me of some sort of fraud. There are more then 100 people who bought this and none of them complained that they recieved something that is not as described. Have a good day and learn some english next time since i clearly said that there are community pdfs that shows instructions of implementations for other scripts.

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bro theres no alerts but 911 anyway u could send me ur alerts? i dmed u ultraclapz#8003

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This dude tried getting other of my scripts for free from other guys in community. Shame on you!

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Bad for server that has over 64 players, when opening the menu its super slow and the calls randomly disappear.

Download the newest version in support. These issues are long gone

How do you add to gcphone?

there is a pdf with a tutorial in support

I wasnt the one the bought it, i just Dev the server and given it to put in.

I’m having issues when I go off duty. It says offduty isnt setup.