Copyright Infringment? Script that uses Pokémon Cards

So, in regards to the situation with Rockstar and FiveM cracking down on copyright infringements; when it comes to anything that uses brand names, there was something I was curious about.

Would it be wise to take out the script from the server I dev on that’s called k-pokemontg. The items the script uses are straight up copies of the real cards. So this is worrisome.

Fellow dev and I think wise to be better safe than sorry, but I wanted to get feedback from the community about it.

I think unfortunately, you’d have to (in my opinion). Unless you’re able to rename the items / make them less like their realworld counterparts, my opinion is that you’ll have to remove it…

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Yeah, I was thinking so too. Guess it’s time to make my own trading card game to replace it with. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shieet, if it was me, I’d add a single letter to each pokemon’s name, and change the color of something noticable…
Charizard? More like Charozard, or Chorizard…Why not?

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LOL just like… knock off versions. There are alot of scripts that already do that.

And Kurkakola? Very slick way of working around using the coca-cola brand xD