ContextMenu - Create a new kind of menu! [OUTDATED - Check description]

How can I add different sprites? And see a list of sprites available?

You can create a new sprite like this:

local newSprite = Sprite(dictName, spriteName, position, size, heading, color)

-- e.g.
local tick = Sprite("commonmenu", "shop_box_tick", nil, vector2(0.02, 0.02))

There is no list of sprites. Everything from .ytd-files (texture dictionaries) will work. A common example is the commonmenu.ytd (used for NativeUI etc.).

But you can also create your own texture dictionary and use that.

And sorry for taking so long with the github wiki :smiley:
Was quite busy in the past weeks.

Edit: I just created the wiki page for sprites: Sprite · Kiminaze/ContextMenu Wiki · GitHub

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